Oracle Workflow: Sample FYI Notification
While working on a custom workflow, I found an issue on the FYI message(Notification),where the button on the notification said 'Submit' instead of 'Ok'. To find out if the FYI notifications always behave like this or there is something wrong on the custom workflow, I needed to test a sample FYI. Below are the steps for a quick test.
Navigator |
Process Screen |
Message Properties - Message Tab |
Message Properties - Body Tab |
Notification Properties |
Add the appropriate ROLE on the Performer field as shown below. This is where the notification is received.
Use below query:
select role_name from wf_user_roles where user_name = '<USER_NAME>';
Save the workflow to the database and use the below code to start the workflow from SQL.
Define Procedure
create or replace PROCEDURE start_workflow
(x_errbuf OUT VARCHAR2
,x_retcode OUT VARCHAR2) is
l_itemtype VARCHAR2(30) := 'SP_TEST'; -- Workflow Name
l_itemkey VARCHAR2(300);
l_itemkey := 'SP_TEST' || to_char(SYSDATE, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
apps.wf_engine.createprocess(l_itemtype, l_itemkey, 'FYI_PROCESS'); -- PROCESS NAME
apps.wf_engine.startprocess(l_itemtype, l_itemkey);
Call Procedure
l_errbuf varchar2(2000);
l_retcode varchar2(2000);
Calling the above procedure will start the process and you should receive the notification.
In Application:
Go to Status monitor to see the details.
Notification - 1 |
Workflow Details |
Notification with Ok Button |
How your resolved your custom workflow notification because we have the similar issue POREQCHA.wft